All test persons answer question 31 without hesitation or signs of discomfort.
As all test persons were recruited as belonging to Islam, it was expected that all would choose the answer option "Yes, Islamic religious community". However, one respondent did not do so, but chose "Yes, but I do not feel I belong to any religious community" (AR14). When asked by the interviewer, the test person declares that he was born and raised Muslim and continues to call himself a believer. However, he had to leave her home country because of radical Islamic threats. Since then he has had no "feeling" of belonging to the religious community which he associates with radicalization. Since the question asks about the feeling, he chooses this answer.
The phrase "feeling a sense of belonging" is associated by all test persons with at least one of the following aspects:
Most often, religious affiliation is associated with family membership and one's own origin (DE02, DE03, DE04, DE05, TR06, TR08, TR09, TR10, AR11, AR12): "My dad is a Muslim. My brothers and sisters and I were brought up Muslim" (DE05). A test person who grew up in Syria explains that she grew up "in an Islamic family in an Islamic city" (AR12).
A second association exists with everyday actions and rituals. Mentioned are regular visits to mosques and praying in the mosque (DE01, DE03, DE05, TR06, TR07), the Koran school and learning the Arabic language (DE01, TR06), as well as the ritual of circumcision (DE02).
The third association is the conscious adherence to the principles of faith and the personal, emotional attachment to faith and the corresponding conviction. One subject mentions personal religious beliefs, such as the view of what happens after death (AR11). Another one explains that one feels belonging to one's religious community when one's own views are in accordance with the teachings of religion (TR08). Also other statements take up this facet at least briefly:
Two Arabic test persons take a deeper look at the translation for "feeling like you belong". One of them notes that faith is less about belonging than about conviction (AR13). The other, who is skeptical about faith because of his history, explains that the question wants to know: "How do you feel? But feelings have nothing to do with religion"(AR14).