Please think about your situation in Germany!
In our society there are population groups that tend to be at the top and those that tend to be at the bottom.
At the top are the people with the most money, the highest education and the best jobs. At the bottom are those with the least money, the lowest education and the worst jobs or no job.
[Denken Sie bitte an Ihre Situation in Deutschland!
In unserer Gesellschaft gibt es Bevölkerungsgruppen, die eher oben stehen und solche, die eher unten stehen.
Ganz oben stehen die Menschen mit dem meisten Geld, der höchsten Bildung und den besten Jobs. Ganz unten stehen diejenigen mit dem wenigsten Geld, der niedrigsten Bildung und den schlechtesten Jobs oder ohne Job.]
We have a scale here that runs from top to bottom. If you think of yourself: Where would you place yourself on this scale?
[Wir haben hier eine Skala, die von oben nach unten verläuft.
Wenn Sie an sich selbst denken: Wo würden Sie sich auf dieser Skala einordnen?]
Question: No changes recommended.
Answer options: No changes recommended.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
General Probing, Specific Probing.
Befund zur Frage:
Test person SER01 states that she has chosen the value 4 because it is "so medium".
Test person SER02 has difficulties in answering the question. At first she does not understand the scale: "Don't have friends who work, I am where I am". Only after explaining that it is a matter of her own assessment and that there is no right or wrong, she decides on the value 1. The test person justifies her answer by saying that she is grateful for the protection and help and that she is generally satisfied.
Test person AR01 notes that in the introduction to the question only the upper and lower classes are mentioned, but not the middle class. In her opinion, the middle class should be mentioned here, otherwise the question would suggest that there is only one upper and one lower class. But the intention of the question is understood and the answer is rather easy for the test person. AR01 bases her answer on the fact that she works full-time, receives additional housing benefit and also money from the Youth Welfare Office for looking after her daughters.
Test person AR02 is placed on the lowest level ("1"), because she has no job at the moment, but gets money from the "Jobcenter" and is learning German.
Test person FAR02 receives benefits from the social services and asks if she has to mark "1" for this reason. The test person first ticked the "6" because (the following is clear from the questions on the following question 104) there are others who are worse off, for example those from neighbouring countries who do not receive social benefits and have to beg. Then she changes her answer in F103 to "3", because one does not see so many beggars and maybe there are not so many after all. When asked, test person FAR02 states that the question was unpleasant and difficult to answer.
The test person RUS01 first asks which country to refer to. She explains this uncertainty by saying the question would say "if you remember" (in the German questionnaire "Wenn Sie an sich selbst denken") and that this formulation would not fit her current situation in Germany. It remains unclear whether the test person has observed the heading. After clarifying that it is about Germany, the test person chooses the answer "6", which she describes as "medium level". However, the test person found the answer "rather difficult", as it is difficult to summarise what should be included and to define a value.
The test person RUS02 chooses the value "8" and justifies her answer mainly with regard to financial means. There is enough money to finance a car and an apartment, but there is not enough money to check the "10", but "we are doing well" . However, the test person says that she finds it "rather difficult" to answer because the limits [of the scale] are unclear: "What does 8 mean and what does 1 mean?" . In her opinion, examples for classification would be helpful, e.g. "8=good car/good flat; 1=no flat".
Test person ENG01 has no difficulty with the question. The test person claims to have a relatively good education, but no job and no money. Therefore she places herself in the middle at "5".
Thema der Frage:
Assessment of class affiliation (country of residence)