RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)


What is your current residence status in Germany?
[Was ist Ihr aktueller Aufenthaltsstatus in Deutschland?]


Ongoing asylum procedure - asylum seeker [laufendes Asylverfahren – Asylsuchender]
Asylum procedure completed - refugee status [Asylverfahren abgeschlossen – Flüchtlingsstatus]
Asylum procedure completed - toleration [Asylverfahren abgeschlossen – Duldung]
Asylum procedure completed - refugee status refused, asked to leave the country [Asylverfahren abgeschlossen - Flüchtlingsstatus abgelehnt, aufgefordert das Land zu verlassen]


Question: It may be necessary to add a category for the phase before the asylum application: "I intend to make an asylum application" [„Ich habe vor einen Asylantrag zu stellen.“]
Answer options: The term "asylum seeker" should possibly be changed or deleted in Russian.