RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)


What is your highest general school leaving certificate?
[Welchen höchsten allgemeinbildenden Schulabschluss haben Sie?]


No school leaving certificate [keinen Schulabschluss]
Primary school [Grundschule]
Secondary education/higher education: lower secondary [Sekundarbildung/Höhere Schulbildung: Unterstufe]
Secondary education/higher education: Upper secondary [Sekundarbildung/Höhere Schulbildung: Oberstufe]
Vocational training [Berufsausbildung]
Tertiary education/ university degree/ education at university level [Tertiäre Bildung/ Universitätsabschluss/Bildung auf Universitätsniveau]


This question sometimes mixes school and vocational qualifications in the answer categories, even if the question only asks for the highest school leaving certificate. A further difficulty is that each country has its own school/education system with its own degree titles and that these vary by country and not by language.
Due to the diversity of school systems and the fact that the answer categories in one language (e.g. Arabic) do not have to correspond to the designations in other countries with the same language, we recommend a very reduced survey of educational qualifications (cf. SOEP Migration Panel).
Which school-leaving certificate did you obtain? [Welchen Schulabschluss haben Sie erworben?]
  • Compulsory school finished with degree [Pflichtschule mit Abschluss beendet]
  • Secondary school finished with degree [Weiterführende Schule mit Abschluss beendet]
  • Still in school education [Noch in Schulausbildung]
  • Don’t know [Weiß nicht]
Have you completed vocational training or studies? [Haben Sie eine berufliche Ausbildung oder ein Studium abgeschlossen?]
  • Yes, a vocational training [Ja, eine berufliche Ausbildung]
  • Yes, a college education [Ja, ein Hochschulstudium]
  • No, no completed training [Nein, keine abgeschlossene Ausbildung]
  • Don’t know [Weiß nicht]