to Pretest Database Pretest Database
Project Title:RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)
  1. Question Text: What is your native language?
    [Was ist Ihre Muttersprache?]
  2. Answer Categories Albanian [Albanisch]

    Arabic [Arabisch]


    English [Englisch]


    French [Französisch]

    Georgian [Georgisch]


    Kurdish [Kurdisch]

    Macedonian [Mazedonisch]


    Pashto [Paschtu]

    Russian [Russisch]

    Serbian [Serbisch]


    Turkish [Türkisch]




    1. Recommendations: We recommend supplementing the question with a completion instruction that clarifies whether more than one native language can/should be specified.
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting None.
  2. Findings for Question: This question has not been systematically tested. Therefore, only the spontaneous comments of some test persons are available - if at all.


    Test person RUS02 asks spontaneously if she can select two languages here.


    Subject ENG01 indicates two native languages, English (as official language) and Ibo as native language. At first, he is surprised that Youroba and Hausa are available as languages, but not Ibo.

    When he thinks about the fact that the questionnaire is distributed to people from many countries, he puts his opinion into perspective, as the other languages are larger or are also spoken in countries other than Nigeria.
  1. Question Topic: Social demographics
  2. Construct: Native language