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Project Title:RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)
  1. Question Text: Has it happened once or several times in the last 12 months that you urgently needed an examination by a general practitioner but did not make use of it?
    [Kam es in den letzten 12 Monaten einmal oder mehrmals vor, dass Sie dringend eine Untersuchung durch einen Allgemeinmediziner gebraucht hätten, diese aber nicht in Anspruch genommen haben?]
  2. Answer Categories Yes, this has happened at least once [Ja, dies kam mindestens einmal vor]

    No, this did not occur - continue with question 55 [Nein, dies kam nicht vor - weiter mit Frage 55]

    I don't know - continue with question 55 [Ich weiß nicht – weiter mit Frage 55]

    1. Recommendations: Question: We recommend reducing the question to the essential:
      Has it happened in the last 12 months that you have not made use of an urgently needed examination by a general practitioner?
      [Kam es in den letzten 12 Monaten vor, dass Sie eine dringend benötigte Untersuchung durch einen Allgemeinmediziner nicht in Anspruch genommen haben?]
      Answer options: Analogous to the reformulation of the question, the answer options can be reduced to "Yes", "No" and "I do not know".
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting General Probing.
  2. Findings for Question: The majority of the test persons does not show any problems in answering the question. Only test person SER02 has difficulties and uses the answer option "I don't know" as an alternative category. Test person FAR01 finds the filters directly behind the answer text disturbing. All test persons except SER02 arrive at an answer that can be justified in terms of the intention of the question.


    For test person SER02, the question is unclear: "Does that mean whether or not I've seen a doctor?" (SER02). She often goes to the general practitioner, whenever she is not feeling well. So she should have ticked "No", but ticked "I don't know" because she doesn't understand the question.


    Test person AR01 understands the question correctly. She claims to have had a problem with her knee and to have waited at first. Only when she could no longer walk she went to the doctor and was then operated on the meniscus.

    Test person AR02 received a follow-up appointment from an orthopaedist, but she did not show up for it because she did not hope that he could help her. She hesitates first what to tick and is then told by the interpreter that the question refers to the primary care physician/general practitioner. The test person has overlooked this.


    Test person FAR01 does not understand the question or the filters and states that the filter texts "continue with question 55" directly behind the answer options are confusing. It is also noted that "dringend eine Untersuchung [an urgent investigation]” has been translated as "Notfalls eine...[If necessary…]". Test person FAR 01 claims not to have been ill, which is why she did not need a doctor urgently. Also subject FAR02 did not have anything urgent.


    Test person ENG01 has no problem understanding the question. She was referred by the general practitioner to a specialist, but could not keep the appointment because she had an important appointment in the refugee camp on that day.
  1. Question Topic: Public health/ Visits to the doctor & treatments
  2. Construct: Non-use of medical examinations