General Information:
*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English SHARE source questionnaire.*
Question Text:
Please look at card 6. During the past month, how often did you feel really rested when you woke up in the morning?
[Bitte sehen Sie sich Liste 6 an. Wie oft haben Sie sich im vergangenen Monat wirklich ausgeruht gefühlt, als Sie morgens aufgewacht sind?]
Answer Categories:
Not during the past month [Nicht während des letzten Monats]
Less than once a week [Weniger als einmal pro Woche]
Once or twice a week [Ein oder zweimal pro Woche]
Three or more times a week [Drei oder mehr Mal pro Woche]
Question: To make the temporal reference periods as concrete as possible and to standardize them across questions 14 to 16, we recommend asking for the "last four weeks" [„letzten vier Wochen“ ] in the question.
Response Options: No changes recommended.
Information retrieval probing, Category Selection Probing, Comprehension Probing, Specific Probing
Findings for Question:
1. How do the respondents arrive at their answer? How do the respondents remember the information?
The vast majority of the test persons stated that they felt really rested once or twice a week (n = 2) or three times or more often a week (n = 7) in the past month when they woke up in the morning. Only test person 05 stated that this had never been the case last month and justified this with her acute sleep problems: "Because I am exhausted every morning. Because I haven't slept or haven't slept in one piece."
When answering the question, all the test persons remembered how they had felt when they woke up in the morning. The reasons given by the respondents for their choice of answers matched the given answer in all cases:
- "For one thing, it was my birthday and I was under a little bit of stress with the preparation and follow-up. And I had overnight guests for more than a week and there I am [with the thoughts] more and more with the guests and less with myself." (TP 01, answer: "Once or twice a week")
- "I've been calculating, well, the last month has been one of intense insomnia. Once a week or twice a week I slept through it, then I'm usually more rested the next day." (TP 02, answer: "Once or twice a week")
- "I usually fall asleep well and wake up rested. It's actually rare that I wake up thinking I didn't sleep well." (TP 04, answer: "Three times a week or more often")
- "I've been thinking about how I usually wake up in the morning. And then I’m actually fit. I have no trouble getting up in the morning." (TP 07, answer: "Three times a week or more often")
2. What do they understand by „feeling really rested“?
The test persons defined the term "feeling really rested" either affirmatively as feeling (physically and mentally) recovered, relaxed or fit, or negatively as not wanting to sleep any longer or not feeling tired:
- "So wake up and not have the impression that oh, I'd have to lie down and sleep for another three hours. but that you feel relaxed, even in your body." (TP 02)
- "Not wanting to sleep anymore." (TP 06)
- "If you wake up in the morning very relaxed and not broken. If you get out of bed easily, without problems, rested." (TP 07)
- "That when I get up, I'm really awake and don't need another half hour to come to. I feel fit for the day." (TP 08)
- "When you're fit in the morning, really rested." (TP 10)
3. What do they understand by „past month“?
As with question 14, half of the respondents (n = 5) thought of the last four weeks when answering the question. Two test persons thought of the last calendar month (TP 01, 09), one of the current calendar month (TP 03) and the remaining two test persons thought of a longer period of time, which, however, included the last four weeks or the last month (TP 06: "The last months"; TP 08: "The last years").
Question Topic:
Public health/ Health impairments
Self-reported frequency of waking up rested