General Information:
*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*
Question Text:
Have you had trouble sleeping recently?
[Hatten Sie in letzter Zeit Schlafstörungen?]
Interviewer: Read out the answer options only if necessary → note whether they have been read out!
[Interviewer: Antwortoptionen nur bei Bedarf vorlesen → notieren, ob sie vorgelesen wurden!]
Answer Categories:
I had trouble with sleep or recent change in pattern [Ich hatte Probleme mit dem Schlaf oder eine kürzliche Änderung des Schlafmusters]
I had no trouble sleeping [Ich hatte keine Probleme zu schlafen]
Question: The results of the cognitive interviews suggest that "minor" sleep problems such as snoring or having to go to the toilet at night are not considered in this question or are not rated as "sleep disorders" by several test persons. If these problems are to be treated as "sleep disorders", we recommend deleting question 13 and using question 14 in the questionnaire instead.
Response Options: Even if the interviewers had no problems sorting the respondents' answers into the given answer categories in the pretest, we still recommend to change the answer options to "Yes" and "No" (or at least to put a "Yes" or "No" in front of the answer options), since question 13 only allows these two answers.
Question Topic:
Public health/ Health impairments
Trouble sleeping