Question 6 was only asked, if question 5 was not answered with „I already have one or more of these limitations“. This applied to eight respondents.
Do the respondents have difficulties to understand and/or answer the question?
The cognitive interviews revealed various problems with this question. Firstly, four subjects (TP 01, 03, 05, 09) interpreted the question as asking them to indicate what percentage of the nursing care costs would probably be covered by their health insurance:
Two other test persons (TP 07, 10) found the question too hypothetical and could not answer it ("don't know"):
Test person 02 pointed out that the probability of the health insurance company assuming the costs of nursing care depends on the number of restrictions on activities. For some of the restrictions on the list, the probability would be 0%, for several 100%. Her answer ("100%") was therefore based on the premise that she would develop several of the activity restrictions in the future: "If I only have one of these, no nursing care insurance will be considered. If I can't dig around in my garden, no nursing care insurance will come into question. I would have to have virtually all the points or quite a few of them. Let's say I can't use a map, but I can do the rest, then I don't need long-term care insurance. I'd have to have at least a few points. If I can't use the phone, I can still live well. [...] If you say half [of the restrictions], then nursing care insurance will probably help. [...] Well, that's what I signed up for, then it comes 100%."(TP 02)
Only test person 06 (answer: "100%") seemed to have no problems understanding and answering the question:
Last but not least, after the first reading of the question by the interviewers, two test subjects (TP 01, 03) asked to have the question read out again. This could be due to the complex syntactic structure of the question (left-branched structure), where several sentence parts are nested and appear before the main verb of the question ("cover"). A right-branched structure would be easier to understand, e.g. "What is the probability that your statutory or private health insurance will cover all or part of the nursing costs if you develop difficulties in one or more of these activities one day?