SHARE Wave 9 – New items on financial decision making, successful ageing, eating habits, sleep, long-term care insurance, and long-term care expectations (English Version)

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*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English SHARE source questionnaire.*


Do you have a private long-term care insurance?
[Haben Sie eine private Pflegeversicherung?]


Interviewer: Read out answer options!
Interviewer: If unclear, explain: By “private” we mean an insurance subscribed with a private company, either on a pure voluntary individual basis or through a mandatory scheme. Long-term care insurance helps cover the cost of long-term care. It generally covers home care, assisted living, adult day-care, respite care, hospice care, and stays in nursing homes or residential care facilities. Some of the long-term care services might be covered by your health insurance. [Interviewer: Antwortoptionen vorlesen!]
[Interviewer: Gegebenenfalls erklären: Unter “privat” verstehen wir eine Versicherung, die bei einer privaten Gesellschaft abgeschlossen wird, entweder auf rein freiwilliger individueller Basis oder im Rahmen eines Pflichtsystems. Eine Pflegeversicherung hilft, die Kosten für Langzeitpflege zu decken. Sie deckt normalerweise häusliche Pflege, Pflegeunterstützung, ambulant betreutes Wohnen, Tagespflegeeinrichtungen, Aufenthalte in Alten- oder Pflegeheimen oder in einem Hospiz ab. Einige dieser Leistungen könnten auch durch Ihre Krankenversicherung übernommen werden.]


Yes, private mandatory [Ja, privat verpflichtend]
Yes, private voluntary [Ja, freiwillig privat]
No [Nein]


We recommend leaving the question wording as it is. However, the answer options should not be read out by the interviewers in order to avoid misunderstandings in the interpretation of a private compulsory long-term care insurance (e.g. as a statutory long-term care insurance). Only "Yes" and "No" (as well as "Don't know" and "Refusal") should be offered as answer options.

Respondents who answer "yes" to this question should then be asked whether they have private compulsory long-term care insurance, private voluntary long-term care insurance or both.

Alternatively, the question could be reworded to ask about the respondents' insurance status and explicitly mention compulsory statutory insurance as an answer option:

"How are you insured for long-term care? (multiple answers are possible)[„Wie sind Sie pflegeversichert?“ (Mehrfachantworten sind möglich)
- Statutory long-term care insurance (via a statutory health insurance company) [Gesetzlich pflegeversichert (über eine gesetzliche Krankenkasse)]
- Private compulsory long-term care insurance (via a private health insurance company) [Privat pflegepflichtversichert (über eine private Krankenkasse)]
- I have a voluntary private supplementary long-term care insurance [Ich habe eine freiwillige private Pflegezusatzversicherung]
- I don't have any long-term care insurance" [Ich habe keinerlei Pflegeversicherung“]