European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*

Cognitive Interviews

Question Text:

English version:
Besides your main paid job, do you have any other paid job(s)? (IF YES) Is it / are they ….?

German version:
Üben Sie neben Ihrem Hauptberuf noch eine/mehrere andere bezahlte Tätigkeit/en aus? (FALLS JA) Ist sie/sind sie…?

Answer Categories:

English version:
No other paid job
Yes, regular
Yes, occasional
Don’t know/no opinion

German version:
Nein, keine andere bezahlte Tätigkeit
Ja, eine regelmäßige
Ja, eine gelegentliche
Weiß nicht/keine Meinung


Question: One respondent (DE02) answers that she has an additional regular job, but comments that she actually has several, and while the question wording in German refers to one or more additional jobs, the answer categories only reflect the singular.
Answer categories: German: The answer categories should be reworded to reflect singular or plural. One possibility would be to leave out the sentence “Ist sie/sind sie…?” in the question text and use these answer categories “Nein, keine andere bezahlte Tätigkeit”, “Ja, regelmäßig”, “Ja, gelegentlich”