European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*

Online Probing & Cognitive Interviews


English version:
What kind of employment contract do you have in your main job?

German version:
Was für einen Arbeitsvertrag haben Sie für den Beruf, den Sie hauptsächlich ausüben?


English version:
Contract of unlimited duration
Contract of limited duration
A temporary employment agency contract
An apprenticeship or other training scheme
No contract
Don't know/no opinion

German version:
Einen zeitlich unbefristeten Vertrag
Einen zeitlich befristeten Vertrag
Einen Vertrag mit einer Zeitarbeitsfirma
Einen Ausbildungs-/Traineevertrag oder eine Fort- oder Weiterbildungsvereinbarung
Keinen Vertrag
Weiß nicht


Question: No changes recommended.
Answer categories: In Poland, the answer categories and their wording should be revised to mirror the most common contract types in Poland. We recommend adding a category “order contract or contract for specific work”. This change should of course only be implemented, should respondents working on order contracts are counted as employees as per Q7.