European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*

Online Probing & Cognitive Interviews


English version:
Are you working as an employee or are you self-employed?

German version:
Sind Sie angestellt oder sind Sie selbstständig?


English version:
Don't know

German version:
Weiß nicht


Question: In the current question form, instructions should be included that respondents should only refer to their main paid job. These instructions should only be read out if the respondent is in multi-activity, which needs to be assessed beforehand.
However, we recommend a revision of the questionnaire structure at this point, so that respondents in multi-activity can state this first, and then state for each job whether it is employed and self-employed.

Answer categories: The answer categories pose issues for respondents in atypical working situations.
The term self-employed leads to uncertainty as to what to include. In Germany, self-employed respondents are uncertain whether both entrepreneurs (founders and bosses of their own companies, often with employees of their own) are meant, and also freelancers who work independently and on commission. In Poland, the in-between status of respondents working under the Civil Code causes additional problems of classification.
We recommend either taking up additional categories, such as freelance as order contracts, or including these working situations in the existing answer categories.
In Polish, the phrase “pracownik najemny” for being employed leads to negative associations with some respondents, and causes confusion for others. It does not clearly encompass all forms of being an employee. An alternative wording could be: “osoba zatrudniona” [employed person].