European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*

Cognitive Interviews


English version:
Please look at this card and tell me which of these categories describes your current situation the best?

German version:
Bitte schauen Sie auf diese Liste und sagen Sie mir, welche dieser Kategorien Ihre derzeitige Situation am besten beschreibt.


English version:
at work as employee or employer/ self-employed */relative assisting on family farm or business **
unable to work due to long-term illness or disability
at work and on child-care leave or other leave
full time homemaker/ responsible for ordinary shopping and looking after the home
in full time education (at school, university, etc.) / student
Don’t know/No opinion

German version:
berufstätig, als Mitarbeiter/in oder Arbeitgeber/in oder Selbständige/r* / als Verwandte/r auf dem Bauernhof der Familie oder im Familienbetrieb**
arbeitsunfähig aufgrund von Langzeiterkrankung oder Behinderung
berufstätig und im Erziehungsurlaub oder sonstiger Beurlaubung
im Ruhestand/Vorruhestand
Hausmann/Hausfrau/verantwortlich für die alltäglichen Einkäufe und die Organisation des Haushalts
in Ausbildung (Schule, Universität usw.) /Schüler/in / Student/in
Weiß nicht


Question: No changes recommended.
Answer categories: We strongly suggest reviewing the first answer category and its depiction on the show card. While including less typical examples, such as people working on a farm or family business is certainly important, this must be designed in a way that does not cause confusion.
The different facets mentioned in the first answer category should be separated using the word “or” and not with slashes. This would possibly eliminate respondent problems, but should be tested before implementation.
For Poland, we recommend to add “order contracts”, e.g. “na umowę zle-cenie lub dzieło”, to the list of specifications in the first answer option.