Allgemeine Informationen:
*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*
English version: You have mentioned before that you have used wearable devices connected to the internet. What have you used them for?
German version: Sie haben zuvor angegeben, schon einmal mit dem Internet verbundene tragbare Geräte verwendet zu haben. Wofür haben Sie diese Geräte verwendet?
English version: German version: Mehrfachnennungen sind möglich.
English version:
a) Make or receive phone calls or send/receive messages by connecting with a smartphone
b) Search for information via the internet
c) Health management: measuring metrics such as heart rate and calories burnt
d) Track movement, e.g. distance, number of steps, route/path, etc.
e) Find directions for your drive, ride or walk
f) Track location
g) Detect, report and handle a health incident
h) Detect, report and handle a safety incident
i) Experience virtual reality or augmented reality
j) Controlling home appliances, e.g. air-conditioning, heating, lightning etc.
k) Other purposes:_________________________
German version:
a) Um über eine Verbindung zu einem Smartphone Telefonanrufe zu tätigen/zu empfangen oder Nachrichten zu senden/zu empfangen
b) Um im Internet nach Informationen zu suchen
c) Zum Messen von Werten wie Herzfrequenz und Anzahl der verbrauchten Kalorien im Rahmen des Gesundheitsmanagements
d) Zum Aufzeichnen einer Wegstrecke oder Route (z.B. Entfernung, Anzahl der Schritte, etc.)
e) Zur Navigation bei Fahrten, Spaziergängen oder Wanderungen
f) Zur Ortung oder Standortnachverfolgung
g) Um einen Gesundheitsvorfall zu erkennen, zu melden und zu handhaben
h) Um einen Sicherheitsvorfall zu erkennen, zu melden und zu handhaben
i) Um eine virtuelle Realität oder erweiterte Realität zu erleben
j) Zur Steuerung von Haushaltsgeräten, Klimaanlagen, Heizgeräten, Beleuchtung usw.
k) Andere Verwendungen:_________________________
Question: No changes recommended.
Answer categories: No changes recommended.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
No direct probing.
Question Z3 included an “Other“ answer option so that respondents could type in additional purposes that were not mentioned in the answer categories. The goal of this “probe”/answer option was to find out whether the list of answer options is exhaustive and clear.
Befund zur Frage:
Only respondents who said that they have used wearable devices connected to the internet (question Z1, answer option e)) received this question (UK: n=19, DE: n=15). Question Z3 asked respondents for what purposes they have used the wearable devices. Due to the possibility to select multiple answer categories, percentages do not add up to 100 percent.
In both countries, the most frequently selected answer options were “track movement” (UK: 78.9%, DE: 73.3%), “health management” (UK: 57.9%, DE: 60.0%), and “make or receive phone calls…” (UK: 52.6.9%, DE: 46.7%).
Neither the British nor the German respondents mentioned any “other purposes” that were not already included in the list of answer categories. This result suggests that the list of answer options is exhaustive and clear to respondents.
Thema der Frage:
Digitalisierung/ Nutzung digitaler Systeme
Usage of wearable divices