Allgemeine Informationen:
*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*
English version: Have you undergone any of the following learning activities to improve your digital skills during
the past 12 months?
German version: Haben Sie in den letzten 12 Monaten an einer der folgenden (Weiter-) Bildungs/
Trainingsmaßnahmen zur Verbesserung Ihrer digitalen Kenntnisse teilgenommen?
English version: Please tick all that apply
German version: Bitte kreuzen Sie alle zutreffenden Antwortmöglichkeiten an
English version:
a) Training courses paid by yourself
b) Training courses paid or provided by your employer
c) Training courses paid or provided by public programs or organisations other than your employer
d) On-the-job training (e.g. co-workers, supervisors)
e) Self-study using free online courses
German version:
a) Bildungskurs(e), selbst bezahlt
b) Bildungskurs(e), bezahlt durch den Arbeitgeber
c) Bildungskurs(e) bezahlt oder organisiert durch öffentliche Programme oder Organisationen (andere als der Arbeitgeber)
d) Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz (z.B. durch Kollegen, Vorgesetzte)
e) Selbststudium durch Nutzung kostenloser Online-Kurse
Question: No changes recommended.
Answer categories: Answer category 12e) might have a too narrow scope. Respondents stated
that they had used online courses but that these courses were not free of
charge and some respondents used websites for training activities instead of
online courses. These respondents are not covered by the answer category
Therefore, we recommend deleting the term “free” [“kostenlos”] in this sentence
to increase the scope of this category. The answer category 12e)
should be phrased as follows:
English version: “Self-study using online courses”
German version: “Selbststudium durch Nutzung von Online-Kursen“
In addition, we recommend substituting the term “Bildungskurse” with
“Weiterbildungskurse” in the German version. The term “Bildungskurse” does
not really exist in the German language.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
Specific Probing.
Befund zur Frage:
Question 12 asked respondents whether they have undergone any of the listed learning activities to
improve their digital skills during the past 12 months. The listed learning activities were: “Training
courses paid by yourself,” “Training courses paid or provided by your employer,” “Training courses paid
or provided by public programs or organisations other than your employer,” “On-the-job training (e.g.
co-workers, supervisors),” and “Self-study using free online courses.” Respondents were asked to tick
all answer categories that apply and, therefore, percentages do not necessarily add up to 100 percent.
All respondents (n=145) received question 12. Only a minority of respondents reported that they have
undergone training courses that they paid by themselves (British respondents: 8.00 percent, German
respondents: 4.29 percent) whereas around one fifth of the British respondents and German respondents
had undergone training courses which were paid or provided by their employer. A few British
respondents indicated that they had taken a training course that was paid or provided by public programs
or organizations other than their employer (British respondents: 5.33 percent). None of the
German respondents chose this answer category. In total, 21.33 percent of English-speaking respondents
and 8.57 percent of German-speaking respondents had undergone on-the-job training. Lastly,
14.67 percent of English-speaking respondents as well as 17.14 percent of German-speaking respondents
reported that they have used free online courses for self-study.
The intention of Probe 14 was to assess whether question 12 captures the full range of possible learning
activities to improve digital skills and to evaluate whether any activities are missing in this list.
Therefore, we asked the respondents whether they were missing any further relevant type of learning
activities that they have undertaken and encouraged them to describe these activities. A few respondents
wrote specific course topics, such as Microsoft Excel or CLAiT (computer literacy and information
technology) courses (British respondents: 5.33 percent, German respondents: 1.43 percent) or further
specified the course type (British respondents: 8.00 percent, German respondents: 1.43 percent). For
example two respondents (1 British respondent, 1 German respondent) indicated that they took a
webinar. These respondents could not necessarily select answer option 12e) (“Self-study using free
online courses”) since these webinars might not have been free. In a similar vein, two British respondents
mentioned that they self-educated by acquiring knowledge through websites. For example, respondent
366 wrote: “I have just gained knowledge myself by finding websites etc.” These respondents
also could not select answer option 12e) since these respondents used websites instead of online
courses to improve their digital skills. One German respondent listed training courses offered by their
employer’s insurance agency. However, the majority of respondents (British respondents: 85.33 percent,
German respondents: 94.29 percent) answered that they did not miss any digital activity in the
list of question 12. Given the high percentage of respondents that could not name any further learning
activity, the list of learning activities of question 12 seems to be exhaustive.
For a more detailed breakdown of the respondents‘ answers please refer to the tables in the attached PDF document.
Thema der Frage:
Digitalisierung/ Nutzung digitaler Systeme
Learning activities to improve digital skills