Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version)

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*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*


English version:
In the last 12 months, did the usage of computers, laptops, smartphones, or other computerised equipment have a positive or a negative effect on your work-life balance, if any?

German version:
Hatte die Nutzung von Computern, Laptops, Smartphones und anderer computergesteuerter Ausstattung während der letzten 12 Monate einen positiven oder einen negativen Effekt auf Ihre Work-Life-Balance, wenn überhaupt?


English version:
A positive effect
A negative effect
No relevant change

German version:
Positiver Effekt
Negativer Effekt
Keine relevante Veränderung


Question: The probe results potentially indicated that respondents do not answer the question with regard to their work-life balance. We would recommend underlining the term ‘work-life balance’ in the question to emphasize the intention of the question:
“In the last 12 months, did the usage of computers, laptops, smartphones, or other computerised equipment have a positive or a negative effect on your work-life balance, if any?”
“Hatte die Nutzung von Computern, Laptops, Smartphones und anderer computergesteuerter Ausstattung während der letzten 12 Monate einen positiven oder einen negativen Effekt auf Ihre Work-Life-Balance oder gab es keine Veränderung?“
Answer categories: No changes recommended.