Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*


English version:
Over the past year, have you been involved in choosing, improving or otherwise modifying the software (programmes and applications) used for work in your department or organisation?

German version:
Haben Sie im vergangenen Jahr daran mitgewirkt, in Ihrer Abteilung oder Organisation arbeitsbezogene Software (Programme und Anwendungen) auszuwählen, zu verbessern oder anderweitig zu modifizieren?


English version:
Not applicable

German version:
Nicht relevant


Question: With regard to the level of involvement in choosing, improving or modifying software, the phrasing of the question allows for a large scope of interpretation. Depending on the questionnaire designers’ definition of what constitutes “choosing, improving or modifying,” some interpretations might be out of scope. If this is the case, we would recommend narrowing the scope of this question by providing examples. If all interpretations have been in scope of the questionnaire designers’ definition, no changes are necessary.
Answer categories: Given that the wording of the third response category “nicht relevant” is highly uncommon as a response category, we would recommend replacing the response category “Nicht relevant” by either “Keine Nutzung von Software (Programme und Anwendungen) in meiner Abteilung/Organisation” or “Für meine Abteilung/Organisation nicht relevant” in the German version.