to Pretest Database Pretest Database
Project Title:Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version)
  1. General Information: *Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*
  2. Question Text: English version: In the last 12 months, did you have to learn how to use new software (programmes and applications)?

    German version: Mussten Sie in den letzten 12 Monaten lernen, eine neue Software zu nutzen (Programme und Anwendungen)?
  3. Answer Categories English version:


    German version:


    1. Recommendations: No changes recommended.
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting General Probing.
  2. Findings for Question: Question 6 asked respondents whether they had to learn how to use new software (programmes and applications) in the last 12 months. Respondents could choose between the answer categories “Yes” and “No.” All categories were exclusive categories and, therefore, percentages add up to 100 percent. In total, 42.62 percent of the British respondents and 36.21 of the German respondents selected “Yes” whereas 57.38 of the British respondents and 63.79 of the German respondents selected “No.”

    Only respondents that selected the response “Yes” at question 3 received question 6. As a consequence, 26 respondents (14 English speaking respondents and 12 German speaking respondents) did not receive this question due to the filter in question 3. For question 6, we asked a general probe (Probe 7) that all respondents received who chose the answer category “Yes” at question 6, which means that 25 British respondents and 21 German respondents provided an answer to this probe.

    The intention of Probe 7 was to understand the changes related to ICT usage at the workplace and to assess whether the phrasing of question 6 is unambiguous enough. Therefore, Probe 7 asked the respondents to describe the new software (programmes and applications) they had to learn. In this context, respondents in both countries most frequently mentioned business software (British respondents: 36.00 percent, German respondents: 28.57 percent). In particular, respondents mentioned software that address a variety of different business aspects, such as marketing, customer relationship management, sales accounting, human resource solutions, and tax programmes. Besides specific software programmes such as SAP, some respondents described the software they had to learn.
    • “Credit check for new customers. The software allows you to find the credit rating on new customers.” (British respondent, ID 362)
    • “I had to learn a lot about new invoicing and staff management software packages and I also had to learn a lot about various advertising packages.” (British respondent, ID 377)
    • “It is a payment software in which payment requests are entered and approved, enabling the finance department to settle the corresponding invoices.” (German respondent, ID 112)
    Instead of using general business solutions, several respondents also reported that they had to learn company specific software which is software that was specifically developed for the company or organization for which respondents are working. Respondents in both countries referred to company specific software (British respondents: 12.00 percent, German respondents: 23.81 percent). In addition, some respondents in both countries had to learn office software, such as Microsoft Office, Excel, Sharepoint, and Open Office (British respondents: 5.56 percent, German respondents: 14.29 percent).

    Besides business and office related software, British and German respondents also had to learn programming software and languages, such as Angular 2, Node js, SQL, C++ (British respondents: 12.00 percent, German respondents: 4.76 percent) and attended courses to learn about current versions of operating systems, such as Windows 10 (British respondents: 4.00 percent, German respondents: 9.52 percent). Finally, British respondents also reported that they received training with regard to editing and visual design software, such as Camtasia and New Adobe Creative suite (InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator) (British respondents: 8 percent) and that they attended courses to learn about software to create online courses, such as Teachable or Tapestry (British respondents: 8 percent).

    Overall, the respondents seem to have understood the question correctly. Nearly all respondents mentioned specific software (programmes and applications) and, therefore, the phrasing of the question is unambiguous enough.

    For a more detailed breakdown of the respondents‘ answers please refer to the tables in the attached PDF document.
  1. Question Topic: Digitalization/ Use of digital systems
  2. Construct: Learning new software at work