to Pretest Database Pretest Database
Project Title:Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version)
  1. General Information: *Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*
  2. Question Text: English version: How often do you actively use such equipment at work?

    German version: Wie oft nutzen Sie diese Geräte bei der Arbeit?
  3. Instruction: English version: Please tick one

    German version: Bitte kreuzen Sie nur eine Antwortmöglichkeit an
  4. Answer Categories English version:
    Every day or almost every day

    At least once a week (but not every day)

    Less than once a week

    German version:
    Jeden Tag oder fast jeden Tag

    Mindestens einmal pro Woche (aber nicht jeden Tag)

    Weniger als einmal pro Woche

    1. Recommendations: Question: No changes recommended.
      Note: The terminology ’at work’ [bei der Arbeit] used in the question might be too vague as it could mean two different things: On the one hand, respondents could understand this term with regard to using such equipment for working activities. On the other hand, respondents could interpret this term as referring to using such equipment at work for private purposes. To avoid confusion with regard to the intended meaning of the question, we would recommend using the terminology ‘for working activities’ [für Arbeitsaufgaben] instead of ‘at work’ (at least in the German version).
      English version: “How often do you actively use such equipment for working activities?”
      German version: “Wie häufig nutzen Sie aktiv die folgenden Geräte für Arbeitsaufgaben?“
      Answer categories: No changes recommended.
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting Specific Probing (Closed).
  2. Findings for Question: Question 4 asked respondents how often they actively use equipment such as computers, laptops, smartphones, or other computerised equipment at work. Respondents could choose between the answer categories “Every day or almost every day,” “At least once a week (but not every day),” and “Less than once a week.” All categories were exclusive categories and, therefore, percentages add up to 100 percent. The first answer category (“Every day or almost every day”) was selected by 93.44 percent of the English speaking respondents and 86.21 percent of the German speaking respondents. The second answer category (“At least once a week (but not every day)”) was chosen by 6.56 of the English speaking respondents and 13.79 percent of the German speaking respondents. None of the respondents in both countries indicated that they have actively used such equipment at work less than once a week.

    26 respondents (14 English speaking respondents and 12 German speaking respondents) did not receive question 4 and Probe 3 due to the filter in question 3. That is, only respondents that selected “yes” at the question whether they use computers, laptops, smartphones, or other computerised equipment at work, received question 4 and Probe 3.

    The goal of Probe 3 was to gain an understanding of the extent of use of digital technologies at work and to clarify the role of portable devices. Therefore, the closed-ended probe inquired how often the respondents use a variety of devices (desktop computers, laptops, tablets, Smartphones or other devices) for working activities. Respondents could choose between the answer categories “Daily,” “Less than daily,” and “Never.” Most of the respondents in both countries most frequently use desktop computers on a daily basis (British respondents: 52.46 percent, German respondents: 60.00 percent). However, Smartphones (British respondents: 49.18 percent, German respondents: 48.28 percent) and laptops (British respondents: 45.90 percent, German respondents: 41.38 percent) also serve as working devices on a daily basis for many British and German respondents whereas fewer respondents work with tablets daily (British respondents: 34.43 percent, German respondents: 15.52 percent). In a similar vein, British and German respondents most often indicated that they never work with tablets (British respondents: 49.18 percent, German respondents: 56.90 percent). Around one third of the British respondents also answered that they never use desktop computers (British respondents: 29.51 percent, German respondents: 29.31 percent), laptops (British respondents: 29.51 percent, German respondents: 32.76 percent), and smartphones (British respondents: 31.15 percent, German respondents: 37.93 percent for their working activities. In addition, a few respondents mentioned that they use other devices either daily (British respondents: 4.92 percent) or less than daily (British respondents: 1.64 percent, German respondents: 1.72 percent). When these respondents were asked to further specify these devices, the British respondents mentioned digital cameras and printers and the German respondent thought of a mobile data entry (MDE) – tool.

    For a more detailed breakdown of the respondents‘ answers please refer to the tables in the attached PDF document.
  1. Question Topic: Digitalization/ Use of digital systems
  2. Construct: Frequency of ICT usage for working activities