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Project Title:German Internet Panel (GIP) – Module “Inflation” November Wave 2014 (English Version)
  1. General Information: *Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*

    For this question no probes were asked. Therefore we only report frequencies.
  2. Question Text: How often do you watch or read the news?
    [Wie oft schauen oder lesen Sie Nachrichten?]
  3. Instruction: Please select one answer. [Bei dieser Frage können Sie nur eine Antwort geben.]
  4. Answer Categories Never [Niemals]

    Less than once per week [Weniger als einmal pro Woche]

    Once per week [Einmal pro Woche]

    Every 4-6 days [Alle 4-6 Tage]

    Every 2-3 days [Alle 2-3 Tage]

    Once per day [Einmal pro Tag]

    More than once per day [Mehr als einmal pro Tag]

    1. Recommendations: No changes recommended.
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting None.
  2. Findings for Question: Around 78% of the respondents state to watch or read the news once or more than once per day, only 5.5% state they do so less than once a week or never.
  1. Question Topic: Politics/ Political behavior
  2. Construct: Frequencies of watching/reading news