Answer Categories
Less than 1500 EUR / More than 547 EUR [Weniger als 1500 EUR / Mehr als 547 EUR]
1500 EUR / 547 EUR
1515 EUR / 520 EUR
1530 EUR / 495 EUR
1545 EUR / 471 EUR
1560 EUR / 447 EUR
1575 EUR / 425 EUR
1590 EUR / 403 EUR
1605 EUR / 383 EUR
1620 EUR / 363 EUR
1635 EUR / 344 EUR
1650 EUR or more / 326 EUR or less [1650 EUR oder mehr / 326 EUR oder weniger]
The objective of this question is unclear, that is, it is unclear what respondents are supposed to do. Are they supposed to provide their estimate of the prices and the repayment rate in 12 months? Are they supposed to provide the optimal ratio of price and repayment rate? Or something else? Given that the question objective is unclear, we are not able to provide a concrete suggestion for improvement but only some general recommendations.
We recommend to rephrase the explanation of the relationship between interest and inflation rate to break down the complexity of the topic as much as possible for the participants.
Especially the misconception that the loan will be repaid faster if you pick a higher repayment rate or that it takes longer if you pick a rate of less than 500 Euros should be corrected. This could eventually be accomplished by including the statement that the repayment time is the same in all answer categories. Alternatively or in addition, a statement on the duration of the loan repayment could be included.
Additionally, the way how the repayment rates are calculated should be explained, i.e. which interest rates are at the base of these calculations.
Finally, the recommendation for question 1 should also be adopted here, that is, the amount of 1.500 Euros/1.700 Euros should be reduced.
Implementation of Recommendations:
Item revised