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Project Title:SHARElife – Healthcare Module (English Version)
  1. General Information: *Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English SHARE source questionnaire.*
  2. Question Text: Please look at SHOWCARD 32. Please specify the periods in which you postponed a dentist’s visit to help you keep your living costs down.
    [Bitte sehen Sie sich Karte 32 an. Bitte nennen Sie die Zeiträume, in denen Sie Zahnarztbesuche aufgeschoben haben, weil Sie sparen mussten.]
  3. Instruction: INT: Please code all answers that apply. [INT: Bitte alle zutreffenden Antworten kodieren.]
  4. Answer Categories When I was younger than 15 years old. [Als ich bis 15 Jahre alt war]

    When I was 16-25 years old. [Als ich 16 bis 25 Jahre alt war]

    When I was 26-40 years old. [Als ich 26 bis 40 Jahre alt war]

    When I was 41-55 years old. [Als ich 41 bis 55 Jahre alt war]

    When I was 56-65 years old. [Als ich 56 bis 65 Jahre alt war]

    When I was 66-75 years old. [Als ich 66 bis 75 Jahre alt war]

    When I was older than 75. [Als ich älter als 75 Jahre war]

    1. Recommendations: Question: "Please look at SHOWCARD 32. Please specify the periods in which you postponed a dentist’s visit to help you keep your living costs down. Please try to remember all dentist’s visits.
      [Bitte sehen Sie sich Karte 32 an. Bitte nennen Sie die Zeiträume, in denen Sie Zahnarztbesuche aufgeschoben haben, weil Sie sparen mussten. Bitte versuchen Sie sich an alle Zahnarztbesuche zu erinnern.]"
      Answer Categories: Again, the scale in the current version does not include the exact age of 15 years. Therefore we recommend changing the first answer category in “When I was younger than 16 years old. [Als ich bis 16 Jahre alt war.]
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting General Probing, Specific Probing, Emergent Probing.
  2. Findings for Question: This question was asked only to those respondents (01, 05, 10) who answered question 3 with a ‘Yes’. Respondent 01 chose the category of 56-65 years: ‘At the time when I got my tooth implant, I was 65,’. The respondent only mentioned the bridge procedure, which he had already mentioned in question 3, referring to it as a current treatment. Therefore, the treatment took place during the age bracket of 66-75 years. Respondent 10 chose two time periods, i.e. 26-40 years and 41-55 years. Respondent 05 talked about the time period of 66-75 years.

    The respondents 05 and 10 claimed they were ‘very sure’ that they indicated the time periods correctly. Respondent 01 was ‘rather sure’ about that. Respondent 05 is 80 years old by now and still has not had the treatment which he had mentioned in the preceding question (tooth prosthesis). Therefore, the respondent should have additionally included the category ‘older than 75 years’.

    Respondent 01 said that she had postponed two dental procedures because the costs were too high. Respondent 05 mentioned ‘several’ treatments (all included under the umbrella of ‘tooth prosthesis’).Respondent 10 reported a treatment (tooth prostheses) and a replacement of bridges with implants. However, the latter treatment was never done because it turned out to be unnecessary following the extraction of the respondent’s wisdom teeth.

    Respondent 10 said he was really afraid of dentist appointments. Apart from postponing appointments for financial reasons, his fear was another reason why he would postpone dental treatments, including preventive medical check-ups.
  1. Question Topic: Public health/ Visits to the doctor & treatments
  2. Construct: Age during the time of postponing dental service due to high cost