Projekt „PubBias“ – Fragen zur Erfassung der Prävalenz und des Ausmaßes von Publikationsverzerrungen

Question Text:

Why have you not yet analyzed the data in this project?


Check all that apply.

Answer Categories:

The data collection was so recent that I have not yet had the time.
I am not primarily involved in the data analysis./I am waiting for a colleague to do so.
I have been figuring out the best analysis approach.
I have been too busy with other tasks/research.
I do not have adequate mentoring/support to pursue it.
I have been advised by other scholars to not pursue it and so I put it off.
I lost interest in the project.
My co-authors do not have time to work on it.
The constellation of the initial author group of the study submission has changed and the project has lost its priority.
I feel it will not contribute to knowledge.
I feel it will never be published.
My research focus has shifted.
I am not primarily working in academia./I left academia.
I moved to another department/institute/university.


Die Ergebnisse des Pretests deuten auf keine Probleme der Frage hin, weshalb sie in ihrer jetzigen Form belassen werden kann.