Projekt „PubBias“ – Fragen zur Erfassung der Prävalenz und des Ausmaßes von Publikationsverzerrungen

Question Text:

What were the reasons for that decision?


Check all that apply.

Answer Categories:

I think the results would not be published in a peer-reviewed journal or edited book.
The results missed statistical significance.
There were mainly null results.
The effect sizes were too small.
The results were not interesting.
The results were in the opposite direction as expected.
The expectations were not supported.
The results were inconclusive.
The replication failed.
The measurement instrument(s)/survey questions/experiment did not behave as expected.


Frage 22 wurde von keiner Testperson beantwortet, so dass mangels Informationen zum Verständnis der Frage keine Empfehlung ausgesprochen werden kann.