FReDA-W2b - Questions on the topics of women's fertility, affective touching behavior, sexual orientation, and transnational families (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*


In the past 12 months, have you supported family members abroad (i.e., partner, children, parents, or other family members) through one or more of the following?


Please select everything that applies.


No, I have not supported any family members abroad.
Yes, I have…
… sent them things they needed.
… sent or transferred money to them.
… done organizational things for them or obtained information.
... supported them emotionally (e.g., by listening to them, comforting them or giving them advice).
... supported them in other ways.


If it is of analytical interest what forms of support are thought of by respondents who select the response option "supports them in some other way ", we recommend using a semi-open response category ("...supports them in some other way, namely:").

In addition, we recommend changing the order of the response options "things sent..." and "money sent..." to avoid that sending money is already (or additionally) reported under "things sent...".