FReDA-W2b - Questions on the topics of women's fertility, affective touching behavior, sexual orientation, and transnational families (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*

Question Text:

How often would you like to have touched this way with your partner in the last week?

Answer Categories:

Not at all
1 time
2 to 5 times
6 to 10 times
11 to 20 times
More than 20 times


Picture: If the picture is to represent a touch that occurs primarily in romantic relationships, the picture should be replaced or specified with words. If this is not the case, the image can be left.
Question: If question 7 is intended to capture whether respondents are satisfied with the frequency of this type of touch, we recommend asking this directly. Depending on the analysis desired, this can be done with a three-part or smaller-part question.

Example of a three-part question:
And how often would you have liked to touch your partner in this way last week?

  • I would have liked to touch him/her this way more often
  • The frequency corresponded to my wishes
  • I would have liked to touch him/her this way less often