Answer Categories
0 Definitely not [Auf gar keinen Fall]
10 Definitely [Auf jeden Fall]
Child(ren) are already (all) either vaccinated against COVID-19 or recovered and therefore do not need to be vaccinated (again).
[Kind(er) sind bereits (alle) entweder gegen COVID-19 geimpft oder genesen und müssen deshalb nicht (mehr) geimpft werden.]
Similar to question 5 (vaccination status), we recommend asking (initially) only whether children between the ages of 12 and 17 have been vaccinated (see question 1 below). Furthermore, if the number of children of the respondent is known, both the question and answer options could be adapted and simplified accordingly (e.g. only "Is..." instead of "Is/Are..." or for one child only the answer options "Yes" and "No").
If, in addition, the willingness to vaccinate of respondents whose children have not yet been vaccinated (all of them) is to be recorded, these could be given an additional question afterwards (see question 2 below). Since there are now vaccination offers for children, we recommend that this question be phrased in the indicative (will) rather than the subjunctive (would).
Question 1: Please think of your child(ren) aged 12-17 now.
- Is/are your child(ren) vaccinated against COVID-19 (Corona)?
- Yes, all children ages 12-17 are vaccinated
- Yes, but not all children ages 12-17 are vaccinated
- No
If question 1 = Yes, but... or No:
Question 2: Will you have your child(ren) vaccinated against COVID-19 (Corona)?
- 0 - Absolutely not; 10 - Definitely.