Allgemeine Informationen:
*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.
To what extent are you still impaired in your daily life due to the COVID-19 disease?
[Wie stark sind Sie durch die COVID-19-Erkrankung heute noch in Ihrem Alltagsleben gesundheitlich beeinträchtigt?]
Severely impaired [Stark beeinträchtigt]
Slightly impaired [Leicht beeinträchtigt]
Not impaired [Nicht beeinträchtigt]
The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the question, so it can be left in its current form.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
Difficulty Probing
Befund zur Frage:
Question 3 was also asked only of respondents who had indicated in question 1 that they had (probably) been infected with the COVID-19 virus (n = 30). Slightly more than half of the test persons (n = 17) indicated that they were still "slightly" or "severely" impaired in their daily lives due to the COVID-19 disease. The aim of the cognitive pretest was to investigate whether these resondents had difficulty deciding between the two response categories "severely impaired" and "slightly impaired" (N1_F3, see Appendix).
Two of the 17 test persons, who were still affected by the COVID-19 disease in their daily life, stated that the choice of the answer was "rather difficult" for them. However, the reasoning given when subsequently asked why they had found it rather difficult to answer did not provide any indication of the need to revise the question text or answer options.
Thema der Frage:
Gesundheit/ Beschwerden
Health impairment due to COVID-19 disease