German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2021 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*


Version a. When you use social media, how often do you encounter information about political topics?
[Wenn Sie soziale Medien nutzen, wie häufig begegnen Ihnen da Informationen über politische Themen?]

Version b. When you think of the information you see on social media, how often is there information about political topics? Please estimate the share in percentage.
[Wenn Sie an alle Informationen denken, die Sie in sozialen Medien sehen, wie häufig sind da-runter Informationen über politische Themen? Bitte schätzen Sie den Anteil in Prozent.]


Version a:
always [immer]
frequently [oft ]
occasionally [gelegentlich]
rarely [selten]
never [nie]
Don't know [weiß nicht]
Version b: open question


Question: Since question variant 5a was rated as easier to answer overall, we recommend using this variant. In addition, there were indications in question variant 5b that at least one test person did not answer it according to the question intention. However, it should be kept in mind that both variants aim at different findings. If the evaluative dimension of the perception of the frequency with which respondents encounter political content is of interest, question 5a should be used (relative frequency question). If, on the other hand, group comparisons are in the foreground (as, for example, in the question of whether people with a strong political interest encounter political content in social media more frequently than people with less political interest), we recommend asking for absolute frequencies as in question 5b.

Response format: No changes recommended.