Project "Best_FDM" - Questions on the Corona pandemic, religion, and household income (English Version)

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*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.


How satisfied are you with the measures the federal government has taken so far against the coronavirus pandemic?
[Wie zufrieden sind Sie mit den Maßnahmen, die die Bundesregierung bisher gegen die Corona-Pandemie ergriffen hat?]


INT: Read out the explanation!
[Antwortoptionen vorlesen]

Please enter a value between 0 and 10. 0 means “completely dissatisfied” and 10 means “completely satisfied”. You can grade with the values in between.
[Bitte geben Sie einen Wert zwischen 0 und 10 an. 0 bedeutet „ganz und gar unzufrieden“ und 10 bedeutet „ganz und gar zufrieden“. Mit den Werten dazwischen können Sie abstufen.]


0 completely dissatisfied [ganz und gar unzufrieden]
10 completely satisfied [ganz und gar zufrieden]
Don't know [Weiß nicht]
No answer [Keine Angabe]


We recommend leaving the question as it is. Although some subjects thought only of certain periods during the Corona pandemic and only of measures taken by Chancellor Merkel's former federal government when answering the question, this is also understandable insofar as individuals were particularly affected by or particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with certain measures. The findings of the cognitive pretest suggest that question 4 is well suited to measure the intended construct.

Likewise, we recommend leaving the response scale as it is, even though one subject expressed criticism regarding its length. On the one hand, all test persons were able to locate themselves on the scale, and on the other hand, they also sorted themselves into the individual scale points in a differentiated manner.