to Pretest Database Pretest Database
Project Title:Project "Best_FDM" - Questions on the Corona pandemic, religion, and household income (English Version)
  1. General Information: *Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings.
    Filter: If infection with SARS-CoV-2 has already been detected (Question 1 = “Yes“)
  2. Question Text: When was the last time you tested positive for the coronavirus? Please indicate the day, month and year.
    If you cannot recall the exact date, please estimate.
    [Wann wurden Sie zuletzt positiv auf das Corona-Virus getestet? Bitte geben Sie den Tag, den Monat und das Jahr bei an. Falls Sie sich nicht an das genaue Datum erinnern, schätzen Sie bitte.]
  3. Answer Categories Day:_______[Tag]

    Month: _____[Monat]

    Year:_______ [Jahr]

    Don't know [Weiß nicht]

    No answer [Keine Angabe]

    1. Recommendations: The results of the pretest do not indicate any problems with the question, so it can be kept in its current form.
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting Specific Probing, Confidence Rating
  2. Findings for Question: Intention of the question:
    Question 2 is designed to capture the timing of one’s own coronavirus infection and is asked only respondents who indicated in question 1 that they had already been infected with the coronavirus.

    In the cognitive pretest, a total of four respondents were asked this question. When probed, they stated that they had thought of the positive PCR test (and not, for example, a rapid test) when answering.

    All four subjects gave an exact date and three of them were “very sure” or “rather sure” that they remembered the date correctly. The PCR test did not date back more than half a year for any of the respondents. One respondent was uncertain about the exact day and estimated it (“I don’t know the day at all. It was around January 20. I don’t have that at hand now, I don’t remember it.”).
  1. Question Topic: Public health/ Health impairments
  2. Construct: Date of last positive coronavirus test