European Working Conditions Survey 2024

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in English, German and Polish.*


English version:
Including yourself, how many people in total work at your workplace, that is at the local site where you work?

German version:
Sie selbst mitgezählt, wie viele Personen arbeiten insgesamt an Ihrer Arbeitsstätte, d.h. in der örtlichen Betriebsstätte/Niederlassung, in der Sie arbeiten?


English version:
 ToolTip text [Local site]:
- By local site we mean the local unit of the establishment, i.e. the specific building or complex of buildings in which you work.
- If you work in many workplaces, please consider your main workplace.
- If staff from different companies work at your workplace, please include all of them in your answer.
Instruction: Please exclude co-workers working at other sites or premises.

German version:
 ToolTip text [Arbeitsstätte]:
- By local site we mean the local unit of the establishment, i.e. the specific building or complex of buildings in which you work.
- If you work in many workplaces, please consider your main workplace.
- If staff from different companies work at your workplace, please include all of them in your answer.
Instruction: Bitte schließen Sie Mitarbeiter/-innen Ihres Unternehmens aus, die an anderen Standorten oder Niederlassungen arbeiten.


English version:
1 (I work alone)
500 and over
Don't know

German version:
1 (ich arbeite alleine)
2 bis 4 Personen
5 bis 9 Personen
10 bis 49 Personen
50 bis 99 Personen
100 bis 249 Personen
250 bis 499 Personen
500 Personen und mehr
Weiß nicht

Alternatives Antwortformat, das getestet wurde:

English version:
1 (I work alone)
500 and over

German version:
1 (ich arbeite alleine)
2 bis 4 Personen
5 bis 9 Personen
10 bis 49 Personen
50 bis 99 Personen
100 bis 249 Personen
250 bis 499 Personen
500 Personen und mehr


We recommend including all information that pertains to the calculation of people working at the workplace in the instructions:
“If you work in many workplaces, please consider your main workplace.
Please exclude co-workers working at other sites or premises. If staff from different companies work at your workplace, please include all of them in your answer.”

We recommend restricting the clarification provided on demand in the ToolTip to the definition of workplace, which is only relevant to certain respondent groups:
“Local site refers to the local unit of the establishment, i.e. the specific building or complex of buildings in which you work.”

Regarding the response options, we recommend including a “Don’t know” category