European Working Conditions Survey 2024

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in English, German and Polish.*


English version:
Do you have one, or more than one job or business?

German version:
Haben Sie ein(en) oder mehr als ein(en) Beruf bzw. Unternehmen?


English version:
 Having more than one job or business may mean: 
- doing paid side jobs (such as babysitting, gardening, ironing)
- working extra hours in a shop or café
- being involved in the platform economy (such as UBER, Task Rabbit)
- carrying out creative work which can be payed with copyrights
- developing a new business activity

German version:
 Mehr als einen Beruf bzw. mehr als ein Unternehmen zu haben kann Folgendes bedeuten:
- bezahlte Nebenjobs (bspw. Babysitting, Gartenarbeiten, Bügelservice)
- Zusatztätigkeiten in einem Geschäft oder Café
- Tätigkeiten in der "Plattformökonomie" (bspw. bei Uber, JOBRUF oder twago)
- kreative Arbeit, die in Form von Urheberrechten vergütet wird
- neue Geschäftsideen entwickeln


English version:
One job or business
More than one job or business

German version:
Einen Beruf bzw. ein Unternehmen
Mehrere Berufe bzw. Unternehmen


The question text should clearly address employed and self-employed respondents:
“Regardless of whether you are employed, self-employed or both:
Do you have one, or more than one job?”

Moreover, the translation of the word “job” should cover both employed and self-employed, and be unambiguous, so as not to refer to the vocational training, but the employed/self-employed work, for instance to ensure that respondents working in two different contracts within the same profession identify as having multiple jobs. A respective translation note should be added to this question regarding the definition and translation of the word “job”.
In German, this would mean employing the term “berufliche Tätigkeit” (work-related activity) instead of “Beruf”, which can mean “job” or “profession”:
“Unabhängig davon, ob Sie angestellt und/oder selbständig oder freiberuflich tätig sind:
Gehen Sie einer, oder mehr als einer beruflichen Tätigkeit nach?“

In Polish, the word „praca“ is maintained for job:
“Niezależnie od tego czy jest Pan(i) zatrudniony (-a), samozatrudniony(-a) czy też dotyczą Pana(-ią) obie te sytuacje:
Proszę powiedzieć czy ma Pan(i) jedną pracę czy więcej?“

The response options should be simplified (so as not to name jobs and businesses), and correspond to the question text:
“I have one job”
“I have two (or more) jobs”

“Ich gehe einer beruflichen Tätigkeit nach“
„Ich gehe zwei (oder mehr) beruflichen Tätigkeiten nach“

In Polish, the exact translation of the second response option is “I have more than one job”, as the Polish word for job is not specific in the plural:
“Mam jedną pracę”
“Mam więcej niż jedną pracę”

We recommend slight changes to the instruction to avoid misunderstandings. Regarding the source, we recommend the following changes:

  • The word “platform economy” should be replaced by “online platforms”
  • The instruction “developing a new business activity” should be omitted or explained in more detail (i.e., to include or exclude unpaid work prior to launching a new business)

The examples should be checked for their country-specific applicability in the course of translation.

In addition, a follow-up question to QN1 may be considered to attain a more precise measurement of respondents with multiple jobs or businesses in a self-administered context. The probe P2_QN1 can be used to this purpose:
“Have you carried out any of the following types of casual work or a part-time job for pay and outside the family in the past month?”