PaCo - Mechanisms of panel conditioning in longitudinal surveys: Questions on social desirability, gender roles, and environment (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*

Question Text:

The previous question was about whether family life suffers when the wife works full-time. How likely is it that you will change your mind on this issue in the future?
[Bei der vorherigen Frage ging es darum, ob das Familienleben darunter leidet, wenn die Frau in Vollzeit berufstätig ist. Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass Sie Ihre Meinung zu diesem Thema zukünftig ändern werden?]

Answer Categories:

1 Very unlikely [Sehr unwahrscheinlich]
7 Very likely [Sehr wahrscheinlich]


Question: Leave.

Response format: In order to avoid misinterpretation of the question text or the polarity of the scale, we recommend labeling the scale points as follows:

Very unlikely to change my mind - Very likely to change my mind