International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2013/2014 (English Version)

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*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English ISSP source questionnaire.*


How often do you use the media, i.e. television, newspapers, radio and Internet, to obtain political information?
[Wie oft nutzen Sie die Medien, d.h. Fernsehen, Zeitungen, Radio und Internet, um sich politisch zu informieren?]


Several times a day [Mehrmals am Tag]
Once a day [Einmal am Tag]
5 to 6 days a week [An 5-6 Tagen pro Woche]
3 to 4 days a week [An 3-4 Tagen pro Woche]
1 to 2 days a week [An 1-2 Tagen pro Woche]
Less than 1 day per week [An weniger als 1 Tag pro Woche]
Never [Nie]
Don't know [Kann ich nicht sagen]
Three test subjects point out that it is difficult for them to find themselves in the answer choices. Test person 07 states that the answer categories are not mutually exclusive and that it is entirely conceivable that the media are used "several times a day" on "5-6 days a week" to obtain political information. The same difficulties with the answer scale arise also for test person 16. test person 17 forms an average value: "So the days are not equal. On some days I use these media several times a day and on other days less. Therefore I would say "once a day", that would probably correspond to that." 

Overall, however, the difficulties expressed seem rather insignificant, since the three test persons can be located on the response scale.


No changes recommended.