PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2016 - Acquisition of Competencies (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.*

Questions 13-15 were only asked to those persons who stated in question 12 that they had been employed in the previous week.


How many hours have you worked in the last week?
[Wie viele Stunden haben Sie in der letzten Woche gearbeitet?]


Open answer [offene Antwort]


Question: It is unclear which working time specification the question is aimed at. It would have to be specified whether it is a matter of contractual or actual working hours. We recommend that the question be reworded:
How many hours have you actually worked in the last week, regardless of your contractually agreed working hours? [Wie viele Stunden haben Sie in der letzten Woche tatsächlich gearbeitet, ungeachtet Ihrer ggfs. vertraglich vereinbarten Arbeitszeit?]
If the recommendations for the differentiated recording of the reasons why the interviewees did not work during the previous week are not adopted (question 12), this question requires an instruction as to what persons who were absent during the previous week due to holidays or illness etc. should state.