PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2016 - Acquisition of Competencies (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.*


What was the main topic of this training?
[Um welches Thema ging es bei dieser Weiterbildung hauptsächlich?]


INT: If the answer to question 10 is 'Yes'.
[INT: Wenn in Frage 10 mit „Ja“ geantwortet wurde.]

INT: Present list 6. [INT: Liste 6 vorlegen.]


1 Foreign languages [Fremdsprachen]
2 Sport or relaxation [Sport oder Entspannung]
3 Health prevention or promotion [Gesundheitsvorsorge oder -förderung]
4 Creativity, music or craft [Kreativität, Musik oder Handwerk]
5 Computer or software use, information technology [Computer- oder Softwarenutzung, Informationstechnik]
6 Personality or communication [Persönlichkeit oder Kommunikation]
7 Project management or leadership skills [Projektmanagement oder Führungskompetenzen]
8 Finance, commercial or business management knowledge [Finanzen, kaufmännisches oder betriebswirtschaftliches Wissen]
9 Politics, society or culture [Politik, Gesellschaft oder Kultur]
10 Medicine [Medizin]
11 Natural sciences, natural history or environment [Naturwissenschaften, Naturkunde oder Umwelt]
12 Psychology or pedagogy [Psychologie oder Pädagogik]
13 Legal issues [Rechtsthemen]
14 Technology [Technik]
15 Safety (e.g. first aid, traffic) [Sicherheit (z.B. Erste Hilfe, Verkehr)]
16 Integration courses [Integrationskurse]
17 Basic education (e.g. reading, arithmetic) [Grundbildung (z.B. Lesen, Rechnen)]
18 Profession-specific knowledge [Berufsspezifisches Wissen]
19 Other issues, namely: [Sonstige Themen, und zwar:]


First of all, there is no preceding question about how many training courses the respondents have attended in 2014. Question 11 is based on the assumption that this is only one further training course, this assumption may be incorrect, e.g. three test persons (TP 06, 07, 10) have attended at least two courses. If you only want to refer to a general continuing education event, we recommend to ask the additional question 10.3 in advance and then to refer to it only in question 11.
10.3 What was the most important general further education in 2014 for you? [Was war die für Sie wichtigste allgemeine Weiterbildung in 2014?]
(open answer)
If question 11 is not only about one (most important or last) general further training, 10.3 can be omitted and multiple answers can be allowed instead for question 11.
Answer options: No changes recommended.