PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2016 - Acquisition of Competencies (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.*


What is your highest vocational training qualification or university degree? Please tell me using list 2.
[Welchen höchsten beruflichen Ausbildungsabschluss bzw. Hochschulabschluss haben Sie? Sagen Sie es mir bitte anhand der Liste 2.]


INT: Show list 2.
[INT: Liste 2 vorlegen]


1 No vocational training or university degree (yet) [(Noch) keinen beruflichen Ausbildungs- oder Hochschulabschluss]
2 Vocational training (apprenticeship) completed [Beruflich-betriebliche Berufsausbildung (Lehre) abgeschlossen]
3 Vocational school education (vocational school, commercial school, college school or school of health care (1 year)) completed [For German translation see pdf-File]
4 Completed training at a technical school, master-craftsmenschool or technician school [Ausbildung an einer Fachschule, Meister- oder Technikerschule abgeschlossen]
5 Vocational or specialist academy, dual university or school of health care (2-3 years) completed [Berufs- oder Fachakademie, Duale Hochschule oder Schule des Gesundheitswesens (2-3-jährig) abgeschlossen]
6 University of Applied Sciences degree: Bachelor / Engineering degree [Fachhochschulabschluss: Bachelor / Ingenieurschulabschluss]
7 University of Applied Sciences degree: Master or Diploma [Fachhochschulabschluss: Master oder Diplom]
8 College degree: Bachelor [Hochschulabschluss: Bachelor]
9 University degree: diploma, „Magister“, state examination or master’s degree [Hochschulabschluss: Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen oder Master]
10 Doctorate [Promotion]
11 A foreign vocational qualification [Einen ausländischen beruflichen Abschluss]
12 Another vocational qualification [Einen anderen beruflichen Abschluss]


Question: No changes recommended.
Answer options: We recommend for those answer categories for which additional qualifications are possible (e.g. vocational or specialist academy or second state examination) to expand the corresponding options in order to prevent respondents from choosing an answer option that does not adequately reflect their professional qualification.
In order to enable a correct allocation of unclear cases, e.g. nurses (category 5: vocational or specialist academy, dual university or school of health care (2-3 years) completed) with a 2-year additional training as a specialist nurse (category 12: another vocational qualification), a half-open answer category should be offered:
"Another professional qualification, namely______________
[Einen anderen beruflichen Abschluss, und zwar______________]"
Similarly, category 11 (a foreign vocational qualification) could also be adapted:
"A foreign vocational qualification, namely______________
[Einen ausländischen beruflichen Abschluss, und zwar______________]"