General Information:
*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.*
Questions 1 and 2 are filter questions for question 4. They were therefore not tested. In order to obtain more detailed information about the origin and duration for which the test persons already live in Germany, they were asked from which country they or their parents came and when they came to Germany. The answers to questions 1 and 2 are presented together below.
Question Text:
Was at least one parent born in Germany?
[Ist mindestens ein Elternteil in Deutschland geboren?]
INT: The respondent should only answer yes to this question if either one or both parents were born in Germany. [INT: Die befragte Person soll diese Frage nur dann mit ja beantworten, wenn entweder ein Elternteil oder beide Elternteile in Deutschland geboren sind.]
Answer Categories:
Yes [Ja]
No [Nein]
Question: Since the definition of the clients states that only those who were born abroad themselves or both parents were born abroad should be counted as persons with a migration background, the filter question should be adjusted accordingly. In addition, an adjustment of the answer categories can provide a more differentiated picture of which respondents bring with them a further culture of origin that shapes them (relevant to question 3) by offering more detailed answer options instead of the answer options "yes" and "no".
Were both of your parents born in Germany?
[Sind Ihre beiden Eltern in Deutschland geboren?]
Answer options:
Yes, both parents were born in Germany
[Ja, beide Eltern sind in Deutschland geboren.]
No, only one parent was born in Germany.
[Nein, nur ein Elternteil ist in Deutschland geboren.]
No, both parents were born abroad.
[Nein, beide Eltern sind im Ausland geboren.]
Implementation of Recommendations: