Islamist attitudes among young Muslims in Germany (English Version)

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*Note: The item was tested in German, Arabic and Turkish. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*


May I ask you whether you feel you belong to a religious community (e.g. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam etc.) and if so, which one?
[Darf ich Sie fragen, ob Sie sich einer Religionsgemeinschaft (z.B. Christentum, Buddhismus, Islam usw.) zugehörig fühlen und wenn ja, welcher?]


Yes, Christian religious. [Ja, christliche Religionsgemeinschaft.] community.
Yes, Islamic religious community. [Ja, islamische Religionsgemeinschaft.]
Yes, Jewish religious community. [Ja, die jüdische Religionsgemeinschaft.]
Yes, Buddhist religious community. [Ja, buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft.]
Yes, Hindu religious community. [Ja, hinduistische Religionsgemeinschaft.]
Yes, other religious community. [Ja, andere Religionsgemeinschaft.]
Yes, but I do not feel I belong to any religion. [Ja, aber ich fühle mich keiner Religion zugehörig.]
No, I prefer to keep that to myself. [Nein, das behalte ich lieber für mich.]


Question: The phrase "feeling like you belong" does not seem to be necessary for most of the test persons, and for some even irritating. We recommend the phrase "Do you belong to a religious community, and if so, which one?” [„Gehören Sie einer Religionsgemeinschaft an, und wenn ja, welcher?“]

Response Options: If the question is reworded, we recommend that the answer categories be adjusted accordingly. After the presentation of the religions, the answer categories "No, I do not belong to any religious community" (which replaces the answer "Yes, but I do not feel I belong to any religious community") and "I would rather keep this to myself “. [„Nein, ich gehöre keiner Religionsgemeinschaft an“ (die die Antwort „Ja, aber ich fühle mich keiner Religionsgemeinschaft zugehörig“ ersetzt) und „Das möchte ich lieber für mich behalten“]