RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)

Question Text:

Has it happened once or several times in the last 12 months that you urgently needed an examination by a general practitioner but did not make use of it?
[Kam es in den letzten 12 Monaten einmal oder mehrmals vor, dass Sie dringend eine Untersuchung durch einen Allgemeinmediziner gebraucht hätten, diese aber nicht in Anspruch genommen haben?]

Answer Categories:

Yes, this has happened at least once [Ja, dies kam mindestens einmal vor]
No, this did not occur - continue with question 55 [Nein, dies kam nicht vor - weiter mit Frage 55]
I don't know - continue with question 55 [Ich weiß nicht – weiter mit Frage 55]


Question: We recommend reducing the question to the essential:
Has it happened in the last 12 months that you have not made use of an urgently needed examination by a general practitioner?
[Kam es in den letzten 12 Monaten vor, dass Sie eine dringend benötigte Untersuchung durch einen Allgemeinmediziner nicht in Anspruch genommen haben?]
Answer options: Analogous to the reformulation of the question, the answer options can be reduced to "Yes", "No" and "I do not know".