SHARE Wave 9 – New items on financial decision making, successful ageing, eating habits, sleep, long-term care insurance, and long-term care expectations (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: This item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*

Question Text:

Please look at card 1, on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means not successfully at all, and 10 means most successfully, how successfully would you say you are ageing?
[Bitte sehen Sie sich Karte 1 an. Auf einer Skala von 0 bis 10, wobei 0 „überhaupt nicht erfolgreich“ bedeutet und 10 „sehr erfolgreich“: Was würden Sie sagen, wie erfolgreich altern Sie?]

Answer Categories:

0 Not successfully at all [0 Überhaupt nicht erfolgreich]
10 Most successfully [10 Sehr erfolgreich]


Question: We recommend rephrasing the question to avoid the term "ageing successfully". Possible formulations would be, for example:

a. "How satisfied are you with how your ageing process is progressing?" [„Wie zufrieden sind Sie damit, wie Ihr Alterungsprozess verläuft?“]

b. "How satisfied are you with the way you age?" [„Wie zufrieden sind Sie damit, wie Sie altern?“]

Alternatively, a definition of "successfully ageing" could be added to the question, such as:

"Successfully ageing is the ability to age actively and happily in spite of changing conditions and not being restricted by infirmity or disease." [„Unter erfolgreich altern verstehen wir, dass man trotz sich verändernder Bedingungen aktiv und zufrieden altern und nicht durch Gebrechen oder Krankheiten dabei eingeschränkt wird.“]

Response options: If the question text is modified as suggested above, the endpoints of the scale would have to be changed to "Not satisfied at all" [„Überhaupt nicht zufrieden“] and "Very satisfied" [„Sehr zufrieden“].