European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*

Cognitive Interviews


English version:
The following question is about the amount of time available to you between working days.

German version:
In der nächsten Frage geht es um die Zeit, die Ihnen zwischen den Arbeitstagen zur Verfügung steht.

Question Text:

English version:
In the last month, has it happened at least once that you had less than 11 hours between the end of one working day and the start of the next working day?

German version:
Ist es im letzten Monat bei Ihnen mindestens einmal vorgekommen, dass weniger als 11 Stunden zwischen dem Ende eines Arbeitstages und dem Start des nächsten Arbeitstages lagen?

Answer Categories:

English version:
Don't know/no opinion

German version:
Weiß nicht/Keine Meinung


Question: For respondents in multi-activity, the question text should clearly state whether this question relates to all paid jobs or only the main paid job.
Answer categories: No changes recommended.