European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*

Cognitive Interviews


English version:
I’m now going to ask you a few basic questions about your job.

German version:
Ich werde Ihnen nun einige grundlegende Fragen zu Ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit stellen.


English version:
What is the title of your main paid job? By main paid job, we mean the one where you spend most hours.

German version:
Welchen Beruf üben Sie zur Zeit hauptsächlich aus? Mit dem Beruf, den Sie hauptsächlich ausüben, meinen wir die Tätigkeit, bei der Sie am meisten Zeit verbringen.


Open question


Question Order: Problems with this question do not arise from the question itself, but from respondents’ urge to communicate their multi-activity. We therefore recommend having respondents first indicate the number of jobs they have (similar to Q27), and employment status (Q7) and number of hours for each job (Q24, Q26, Q28). After this is done, questions such as Q5 can focus on the main paid job.
Question: No changes recommended.
Answer categories: Does not apply.