European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*

Cognitive Interviews


English version:
And do you work part time or full time?

German version:
Und arbeiten Sie Teilzeit oder Vollzeit?


English version:
Part time
Full time
Don't know

German version:
Weiß nicht


Question: The question text should state whether the question refers to actual working hours, or (for employed respondents) contractual ones.
More important, in the current form it is unclear whether respondents in multi-activity should refer to all jobs or only the main paid job. We suggest omitting this question, and instead asking about the typical number of hours per week in each job and in total. Please refer to recommendations at Q7 and Q27.
Answer categories: If the differentiation between full-time and part-time is maintained, an alternative category “irregular / varies strongly” would help respondents with atypical working hours.
In Polish, the wording of the answer category implies working only based on work contract, i.e. “full/ part time working hours”. The translation should therefore be reconsidered.