Allgemeine Informationen:
*Note: The item was tested both in English and German.*
English version: In the last 12 months, have you used any internet platform/app (e.g. Upwork, TaskRabbit, Amazon
Mechanical Turk…) as an intermediary for you to obtain regular or occasional paid work
to carry out in a self-employed capacity?
German version: Haben Sie in den letzten 12 Monaten eine Internet-Plattform / App (z.B. Upwork, TaskRabbit,
Amazon Mechanical Turk) als Vermittler genutzt, um für Sie selbst in einer selbstständigen Erwerbstätigkeit
regelmäßig oder gelegentlich ausgeführte, bezahlte Arbeit zu erhalten?
English version:
Yes, as my main job
Yes, as a secondary or occasional job
No, never
German version:
Ja, in meiner Hauptbeschäftigung
Ja, als Neben- oder Gelegenheitsjob
Nein, nie
Question: For the German version, we would recommend splitting the question in two
separate questions because it is asking multiple questions: 1) Did the respondents
use the internet? 2) For which type of job? In order to reduce the
complexity of the question it is necessary to ask these questions separately
in the German version:
Question 1: “Haben Sie in den letzten 12 Monaten eine Internet-Plattform / App (z.B.
Upwork, TaskRabbit, Amazon Mechanical Turk) genutzt, um nach Arbeit zu
Question 2 (if selected “Ja”): “Um was für eine Art der Beschäftigung handelte es sich dabei?“
Meine Hauptbeschäftigung
Einen Neben- oder Gelegenheitsjob
An alternative solution would be to simplify the sentence structure and to
first ask the main question and then provide any definition or examples afterwards:
“Haben Sie in den letzten 12 Monaten eine Online-Vermittlungsplattform /
App genutzt, um neben- oder hauptberuflich einer bezahlten Erwerbstätigkeit
Beispiele für Online-Vermittlungsplattformen sind Upwork, TaskRabbit oder
Amazon Mechanical Turk.“
In a similar vein, we recommend adapting the English version accordingly:
“In the last 12 months, have you used any internet platform/app as an intermediary
for you to obtain regular or occasional paid work to carry out in
a self-employed capacity?
Examples for internet platforms/apps are Upwork, TaskRabbit, Amazon Mechanical
Answer categories: No changes recommended.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
Specific Probing.
Befund zur Frage:
Question 2 asked respondents whether they have used any internet platform/app (e.g. Upwork,
TaskRabbit, Amazon Mechanical Turk) as an intermediary to obtain regular or occasional paid work to
carry out in a self-employed capacity in the last 12 months. Respondents could choose between the
answer categories “Yes, as my main job,” “Yes, as a secondary or occasional job,” and “No, never.” All
categories were exclusive categories and, therefore, percentages add up to 100 percent. The first answer
category (“Yes, as my main job”) was selected by 5.33 percent of the English speaking respondents
and 2.86 percent of the German speaking respondents. The second answer category (“Yes, as a
secondary or occasional job”) was chosen by 13.33 of the English speaking respondents and by 4.29
percent of the German speaking respondents. However, most of the respondents in both countries
indicated that they have not used any internet platform/app as an intermediary to obtain regular or
occasional paid work to carry out in a self-employed capacity in the last 12 months (81.33 percent of
English speaking respondents and 92.86 of German speaking respondents).
Only respondents that chose the answer categories “Yes, as my main job” or “Yes, as a secondary or
occasional job” at question 2 received a specific probe that asked respondents what platforms or
applications they had considered when answering this question. Respondents that chose the answer
category “No, I have not.” (n=126) did not receive this probe. As a consequence, 19 respondents (14
British and 5 German respondents) answered this probing question.
The intention of the probe was to verify whether the focus of the question on platforms distributing
work orders is clear enough and whether the phrasing clearly excludes traditional placement agencies.
The probe responses of the British respondents seem to indicate that this intention is met for the English
version of this question. British respondents mentioned a variety of different platforms and apps
to find work, such as “Upwork,” “TaskRabbit,” or “Glasdoor.” Most of these platforms and apps were
only mentioned by one respondent (with the exception of “Upwork” and “TaskRabbit.” These platforms
were indicated twice). More importantly, British respondents did not mention traditional placement
However, only a few German respondents received this probe (n=5) and only two websites are mentioned.
This can mean two things: Either German respondents really do not obtain work through internet
platforms or German respondents had problems with the question wording. Given the complex
sentence structure of the German translation of the closed question, the latter interpretation (problems
with the question) seems more likely.
For a more detailed breakdown of the respondents‘ answers please refer to the tables in the attached PDF document.
Thema der Frage:
Digitalisierung/ Nutzung digitaler Systeme
Usage of online services to obtain work