Allgemeine Informationen:
*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. *
Both experimental conditions from question 2 are taken into account in this question. The two groups were compared in the evaluation in order to find differences in their answer behaviors.
In question 2 you read the following information:
Condition 1: The inflation expectations for the euro zone coincide with the aim of the European Central Bank to keep price increase at a reasonable level.
Condition 2: The inflation expectations for the euro zone coincide with the aim of the European Central Bank to keep price increase at approximately 2 percent.
How detailed do you find this information to be?
[In Frage 2 haben Sie folgende Informationen gelesen:
Bedingung 1: Die Inflationserwartung für die Eurozone deckt sich mit dem Ziel der Europäischen Zentralbank, die Preissteigerung auf angemessenem Niveau zu halten.
Bedingung 2: Die Inflationserwartung für die Eurozone deckt sich mit dem Ziel der Europäischen Zentralbank, die Preissteigerung nahe 2 Prozent zu halten.
Für wie detailliert halten Sie diese Information?]
Not detailed at all [Überhaupt nicht detailliert]
Little detailed [Wenig detailliert]
Moderately detailed [Mäßig detailliert]
Pretty detailed [Ziemlich detailliert]
Very detailed [Sehr detailliert]
No changes recommended.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
Category Selection Probing.
Befund zur Frage:
Overall the information is perceived as rather not detailed. More than half of the respondents (54%) state that the information is “not detailed at all” or “little detailed”. This is slightly more the case in condition 1 than in condition 2 (58.5% vs. 50%).
The following things were criticized by the respondents:
- 41% of the respondents think that the information is too general or too abstract (e.g. “As I said, I don’t know much about financial policy, for an average consumer the information is too general and not comprehensible at all”, ID 144; “Nowhere is explained how this goal should be achieved”, ID 89; “What are the reasons for this expectation?”, ID 107).
- 32% of the participants in condition 1 criticize the term “appropriate/angemessen” as too vague (e.g. “Appropriate level is little specific”, ID 97).
- 6% of the participants in condition 2 criticize the term “near/nahe” as too vague (e.g. “Near 2% is somewhere between 1% and 3% for me”, ID 98).
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Inflation
Detailedness of the conditions (Question 2)