We recommend using standardized terms in the example and in the response scale. In addition, the content of the example item could be adapted to the topic of the questionnaire. A possible reformulation would be as follows: [HOW IS IT DONE?]
For each statement, please mark the answer that best applies to you. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers to the questions.
[Bitte kreuze bei jeder Aussage die Antwort an, die am besten auf Dich zutrifft. Auf die Fragen gibt es keine „richtigen“ oder „falschen“ Antworten.]
An example:
[Ein Beispiel:]
To what extent does the following statement apply to you?
Please mark the answer that best applies to you.
[Inwieweit trifft die folgende Aussage auf Dich zu?
Bitte kreuze die Antwort an, die für Dich am besten passt.]
I am satisfied with my performance in school. [Ich bin zufrieden mit meinen schulischen Leistungen.]
For example, tick the 2nd box if you think that this statement sometimes applies to you.
[Kreuze zum Beispiel das 2. Kästchen an, wenn Du meinst, dass diese Aussage manchmal auf Dich zutrifft.]
Revised version:
An example:
[Ein Beispiel:]
To what extent does the following statement apply to you?
Please mark the answer that best applies to you.
[Inwieweit trifft die folgende Aussage auf Dich zu?
Bitte kreuze die Antwort an, die für Dich am besten passt.]
I enjoy spending time with others. [Ich verbringe gerne Zeit mit anderen.]
For example, tick the 2nd box if you think that this statement sometimes applies to you.
[Kreuze zum Beispiel das 2. Kästchen an, wenn Du meinst, dass diese Aussage manchmal auf Dich zutrifft.]
All ten respondents found the example understandable and well suited to explain how the questionnaire should be completed. A total of three respondents indicated how it could be improved. Two respondents stated that the labeling of the answer scale (“true”) did not match the actual question (“applies”) or that phrases such as “applies”, “true” and “fits” were not used consistently in the example:
When recruiting the respondents and introducing the interview, the respondents were informed that the questionnaire to be tested dealt with the topic of “assessing one's own abilities”. When reading through the example, one respondent pointed out that the content of the example did not match the topic of the questionnaire: “It has nothing to do with your own abilities, whether you enjoy spending time with others.” (TP09, 13 years old, 8th grade)