German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2021 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*


Many people see climate change as proven. Others, however, doubt that the climate is changing. What do you believe?
[Viele Menschen sehen den Klimawandel als erwiesen an. Andere bezweifeln hingegen, dass sich das Klima ändert. Was glauben Sie? ]


The climate is changing. [Das Klima verändert sich.]
The climate is not changing. [Das Klima verändert sich nicht.]
Don’t know [weiß nicht]


Introduction & question: In order to get straight to the point with the question, we recommend deleting the introductory sentence and instead use the following question wording:

"Now follow with two statements about climate change. What is your personal opinion on this?"

If the original question is retained, we recommend that to avoid the question suggesting that the majority of the population sees climate change as a fact, instead of "Many people" write "Some people."

Response format: No changes recommended.